I have had a VERY busy week! I meant to have these photos up long ago, but there was school to do, a drama showcase in which to partake, and a whole family of people who have needed a share of the laptop. ;) But at last, the work is finished, and I have several new photos to display. Enjoy!

It looks almost as if it could be in a movie, doesn't it? It took awhile, but I finally found a way to edit it that made it have this quiet film-grain look.
One day, it snowed randomly, and as it was beginning to melt, I took the opportunity to snap a few shots. I don't know how or why, but there was a unique spiral formation in the grass that created this swirl effect as the snow slowly disappeared.
This is my sister's 'alligator skin' purse in the back window of our car. We were driving to our grandparent's to celebrate Easter a week early on Palm Sunday. I looked back, saw it, and clicked the button with pleasure.
In other words, strive to be as Christ-like as possible, and stop sinning! (It REALLY pays off!) =)
Here is my darling new niece again... isn't she ADORABLE??
Oh, also, my dad took these photos for me... I was a little preoccupied with cuddling my niece in my arms! ;)
My other darling niece - that's right, the drama queen. She LOVES having photos taken of her!
She was just calmly eating her lunch, and I just HAD to take some photos of her. She kept making the cutest little faces at everyone at the table!
What, Katie? A palm frond? Yes, indeed. My relatives thought is was a strange thing to take a picture of, but my mother took the opportunity to explain about my blog. I wasn't completely sure that I would post this, but once it was good and edited, I couldn't resist.
Lulu (my niece) had a grand old time trying on my grandparent's famous dress-up clothes. It was great fun trying to find dresses that fit her!
Oh, and somebody had to play the part of the Easter bunny for the egg-basket-hunt. Guess who??
It was acutely embarrassing, it was REALLY hot to wear, but it was worth it to see Lulu's face!
~ God bless! ~
"For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself;
for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord;
therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's.
For to this end Christ died and lived again,
that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living."
-Romans 14:7-9
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