
December 19, 2014


Alone. Awake. Everything else is over for the night, and I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep... not yet....

My favorite song (Tessa) comes on Spotify, and as it plays, I'm overwhelmed with everything the Lord has done in my life this year. Everything has changed in so short a time (including myself), and that only by the Lord's infinite grace! Before, in the midst of confusion, pain, and longing, I could not see past my own nose, while He can see well past the horizon.

Why would He ever be so good to me? I don't deserve this life, I don't deserve to be a part of the lives of the people I care about, I don't deserve the breaths I am breathing, and I don't deserve to be listening to this magical song filling my eyes with tears of thankfulness... this song reminds me of my best friend.

The wait is nearly over. Days, months, years? What is time in the grand spectrum of things, compared with eternity? My God is sovereign. Lord, I will wait. It will be so worth the wait!
Right now, in the quiet of my room, I am praying to my ever-near Lord and rejoicing in the works of His hands!

'All this and Christ too'... glorious gift!
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