
September 6, 2013

Enigma of the Night

From November 6th, 2012 Tuesday, a poem with a forgotten tune of a song I wrote for pleasure:

//Enigma of the Night//

Verse 1:
There's a feather floating on the breeze

Dancing through and past the trees
T'ward the great and fearful seas
    to swim instead of fly

Undiminished drops of dew

Drop on by right next to you
Sitting there on the toadstool
    to hide instead of shine

We all have seen those kinds of days when life won't satisfy
Until it gives-in to our will and grants us a surprise

Fairy-tales, fantasy, starlight riddled with our dreams
We all want to know how it would feel to fly
Fairy-tales, fantasy, all the raindrops in the sea
It's a mystery that no one can deny

Enigma of the night

Verse 2:
There's a jewel in the rocks

List'ning as the starlight mocks
And it breaks free of its stocks
    to glow instead of cry


Bridge 2:
We all have seen those kinds of days when life won't satisfy
Until it gives-in to our will and grants us a new prize

Chorus 2:
Fairy-tales, fantasy, things aren't always as they seem

All our trouble only last a little time
Fairy-tales, fantasy, all the tears upon my sleeve
It's a mystery that no one can deny

Enigma of the night

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