My sister prompted me countless times to read this book, and no wonder; I can hardly believe how alike my personality and struggles are to that of Katherine Mortimer in Stepping Heavenward. I'm not even a third of the way done with the book, but I read something that I just had to share:
"Lay down this principle as a law --- God does nothing arbitrary. If He takes away your health, for instance, it is because He has some reason for doing so; and this is true of everything you value; and if you have real faith in Him, you will not insist on knowing the reason. ...In reading the Bible I advise you to choose detached passages, or even one verse a day, rather than whole chapters. Study every word; ponder and pray over it till you have got from it all the truth it contains.As to the other devotional reading, it is better to settle down on a few favorite authors and read their works over and over and over until you have digested their thoughts and made them your own. ...You can will to choose for your associates those who are most devout and holy,You can will to read books that will stimulate you in your Christian life rather than those that merely amuse.You can will to use every means of grace appointed by God.You can will to spend much time un prayer without regard to your frame at the moment.You can will to prefer a religion of principle to one of mere feeling; in other words, to obey the will of God when no comfortable glow of emotion accompanies your obedience.You cannot will to possess the spirit of Christ; that must come as His gift; but you can choose to stdy His life and to imitate it. This will infallibly lead to such self-denying work as visiting the poor, nursing the sick, giving of your time and money to the needy, and the like.If the thought of such self-denial is repugnant to you, remember that it is enough for the disciple to be as his Lord. ..."
Now, although the book is fiction, it is packed full of the truth of Christianity. The quote above is from a letter Katherine Mortimer receives from her pastor, Dr. Cabot. She continually goes to him with questions about her Christian walk, and he replies with great wisdom.
Truly, I would recommend this story to all girls, that God might use it to benefit them as He has for me and my little sister. And now, I think I'll go read some more!